Patient Information

The following is written for patients who are being investigated by their
doctor for pain in or around the hip joint. It is not an exhaustive explanation
of all hip problems, but a brief introduction to common causes of hip pain
and how they are diagnosed.

Many people have relatives or friends who have undergone a hip replacement. This is a successful treatment for chronic hip joint pain, such as that caused by osteoarthritis, where the internal cartilage lining of the joint has been worn away.

However, no replacement joint so far developed is as good as a well functioning natural joint and all replacement joints have a risk of wearing out, especially in younger and active patients, who may then need a replacement of the replacement.

Replacement of a replacement joint is termed “revision” surgery and is more technically demanding for the surgeon and more risky for the patient than initial replacement of a natural hip. Hence modern philosophy in the management of hip problems is to identify symptoms early, to see if anything can be done repair the joint and/or prevent further damage in order to relieve symptoms and slow down the progress to arthritis, preserving the patient’s natural joint for as long as possible. 

Key-hole surgery (arthroscopy) to repair and reshape the inside of the hip joint, and bone realignment (osteotomy) to change the orientation of the socket or thigh bone are the main techniques used to protect and preserve the natural hip joint.

Hip Information Document

Download our Hip information document by clicking the image or the button below


Hip Dysplasia Document

Download ‘Hip Dysplasia in Teenagers & Young Adults’ document by clicking the image or the button below
